Edgar Rice Burroughs is no longer a familiar name. Like many other authors, the fame of his greatest creation, in his case Tarzan, has long eclipsed his own.
But Burroughs was far more than the creator of Tarzan.
He was an early pioneer of science fiction, a master of the pulp fiction magazines of the early 20th century, an author whose books, across his lifetime and beyond, sold tens of millions of copies. He was also, among a bewildering array of other things, a journalist, a soldier and war correspondent, a businessman, and even a real estate investor: the ranch he bought and developed in the 1920s is, today, the aptly named neighbourhood of Tarzana, California.
So who was Edgar Rice Burroughs? Why were his books so popular? And has his work had any real lasting legacy on our culture today?
No guest this week but special thanks to Alan Bennett for being the voice of Burroughs!
Did I mention my book??

Works Mentioned & Referenced
Edgar Rice Burroughs:
Tarzan of the Apes
A Princess of Mars
The Caspak Trilogy
John Carter of Mars (Disney)
The classic Johnny Weismuller Tarzan yell is here.
The “me Tarzan, you Jane” scene (which never quite happens in those words) is here.
All music by Blue Dot Sessions
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Burroughs makes an appearance in this episode on a terrible crime in Los Angeles.
The Barsoom/Mars novels are in this episode on the elusive canals of Mars.
I mentioned castaway tales, so why not check out this episode all about Robinson Crusoe.
Burroughs fan? Leave a comments below or check out the Words To That Effect Facebook Page or on Instagram too!

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