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Words To That Effect 2024 Update!

A Podcast about Fiction and a Fiction Podcast

So it’s been quite some time since I posted on here or released anything on the Words To That Effect feed. If you’re a long-time fan of the podcast, or you’ve just stumbled upon it since the most recent episode was released, well I hope you’ve enjoyed all the episodes to date (you can listen to one a week for a year and still have a few spare!). After two years, however, I think an update on things is definitely called for. So, here’s where things stand right now:

Words To That Effect

WTTE is still on hiatus, but it’s definitely not dead! I do plan to come back to it and make new episodes, I’m just not sure where it fits into things right now. As you’ll see below, I’ve been busy with other projects, but WTTE is still something that I’m hugely proud of and absolutely love creating. Once I’ve got my latest creation out into the world I’m going to review and see what I might do for another season of the show.

Arthur Conan Doyle Radium Age Series

I have been doing a few other things that you could certainly call WTTE-adjacent. One was writing the introduction to a new edition of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Professor Challenger stories The Lost World and The Poison Belt. It was published last year with MIT Press as part of a fantastic ongoing series, edited by Joshua Glenn, that is re-issuing some overlooked classics of science fiction from “the Radium Age” (1900 -1935)

It’s such a great series, with cover art by renowned cartoonist Seth, and you can check out my contribution and the whole series here.

The Lost World, Arthur Conan Doyle. Intro Conor Reid

A Gothic Audiodrama

Back in podcast land, the main thing I have been doing over the last 2 years (other than editing hundreds of podcasts for the day job) is writing some of my own fiction. After a whole career of reading and writing about and discussing other authors, I thought it was time to create something myself. I mentioned on my last update episode on WTTE that I had been writing an audiodrama and now, several years later, it is finally finished. So while it all took quite a bit longer than planned, I’m incredibly happy with how it has come together, and it’s launching at the end of September!

Some location recording for the new audiodrama!

I’m currently putting together the final bits and pieces but I will post all the details on here as soon as it’s ready to go. It is a 12-part gothic crime tale set in Victorian Dublin – so not exactly a shock if you know me or listen to Words To That Effect! I could not be more excited about this – I wrote, directed, edited, and sound designed it, I managed to get an unbelievable cast of actors to star in it, and it’s going to be part of HeadStuff Podcasts which, in the time since WTTE went on hiatus, has got a heap of new shows and grown massively.

All the details very, very soon. Exciting times ahead!

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